Course Name: Safeguarding – Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults
Newly CPD Accredited Training – Reference – 1003537 | 7 Credits

Course Description:
This course is aimed at staff and volunteers who work directly or indirectly with children, young people and vulnerable adults. The training enables people to understand their roles and responsibilities if they have concerns about the safety or welfare of a child, young person or vulnerable adult.

Course Name: Safeguarding – Children and Young People
Newly CPD Accredited Training – Reference – 1002372 | 7 Credits

Course Description:
This course is aimed at all staff and volunteers who work with children and young people in settings which are not regulated. The training enables people to understand their roles and responsibilities if they have concerns about the safety or welfare of a child or young person.

This training is for people with little or no experience of Safeguarding issues, or for people who need to update themselves on current policy and legislation.